Mars in Aries square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn 2nd July 2022

Mars at 27 degrees 46 minutes Aries is square retrograde Pluto at 27 degrees 46 minutes Capricorn at 2.08 am GMT 3.08 am BST 2nd July 2022.

Dramatic and destructive action taken by those who are traditionally in a position of power and control will be fought against by those who are fired up to commence battle with the old order. The former may find they are not as strong as they thought they would be in the face of those who resist their domination, so they will have to dig deep to find what resources are available to them. Generally there is a surge of energy that is difficult to direct towards a route where it can’t cause damage in one way or another. It may be necessary to relinquish control to allow a process of regeneration to take place. This can be immensely stressful but could be needed to avoid huge challenges that you would otherwise be battling for a long time. Also there is an increase of explosive anger; either from yourself or from people or during events around you. It’s definitely not the time to make enemies as they can be incredibly aggressive and possibly obsessive in getting their revenge.

© Sarah Cochrane 2022.

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