Mars in Gemini sextile retrograde Jupiter in Aries 1st September 2022

Mars at 6 degrees 49 minutes Gemini is sextile retrograde Jupiter at 6 degrees 49 minutes Aries at 11.53 am GMT 12.53 pm BST 1st September 2022.

Acting quickly without thinking too much about what you’re going to do would be a recipe for disaster, if it didn’t happen during a transit as benevolent as this one. Immediately pouncing on opportunities that were previously missed may bring rewards that are better the second time around. Those who have plenty of wealth are reluctant to donate any of it to those who shout the loudest. Instead, they will use their own judgement to offer their assistance to who or what sparks their interest, as long as they are repaid in one form or another. Dispersing your energy on a variety of outlets expands the use of various abilities that you have, which also make your life more interesting.

© Sarah Cochrane 2022.

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