Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini 19th October 2022

Venus at 24 degrees 42 minutes Libra is trine Mars at 24 degrees 42 minutes Gemini at 2.21 am GMT 3.21 am BST 19th October 2022.

Persuasion and gentle assertiveness are far more effective than being blunt and pushy. Enthusiasm for diplomatic solutions to conflict is elevated and a strong case can be made for it by highlighting the harm that can be avoided. Strong courses of action and tasks that require physical endurance won’t be very appealing during this transit. Most activity will be found at social gatherings. Friends may be gained and potential allies may be introduced. Sure, they could take a shine to you, but don’t rush into expecting strong bonds with them just yet. It’s not a bad transit for those who are dating. Each person should have an equal amount of attention and there could be a meeting of minds.

© Sarah Cochrane 2022.

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