Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini 27th October 2022

Mercury at 25 degrees 32 minutes Libra is trine Mars at 25 degrees 32 minutes Gemini at 3.37 am GMT 4.37 am BST 27th October 2022.

Speaking your mind without starting arguments or causing resentment can be done effectively if you’re clever about it. This is mainly to know where you stand and to let others know where they stand with you. If speeches have to be given they are directed more to what the individual presenting the speech thinks their audience would like to hear. Attention is spent on the positive points and the negative points are acknowledged but have very little mentioned about them. If you’re planning on starting a charm offensive, this transit is capable of doing you a lot of favours. Threats or coercion will get you nowhere, but persuasion will get you past the finishing line.

© Sarah Cochrane 2022.

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