Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini 5th February 2023

Venus at 11 degrees 14 minutes Pisces is square Mars at 11 degrees 14 minutes Gemini at 3.29 am GMT 5th February 2023.

If there are hindrances in relating to people who you would like to be on good terms with, it’s because you are unsure in what you want from them and you may lack the courage to start a conversation with them. Generally, there is a reluctance to compromise as you would have to make sacrifices that would leave you feeling uneasy or vulnerable. With this in mind it can’t be expected for others to be willing to compromise for your benefit either. Harsh words that are intended to be sharply and constructively critical have the undesired effect of being hurtful. Although it won’t be easy, as least try to be kind, even if it.s a lot of effort on your part.

© Sarah Cochrane 2023.

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