Sun in Leo trine retrograde Jupiter in Aries 31st July 2022

The Sun at 8 degrees 42 minutes Leo is trine retrograde Jupiter at 8 degrees 42 minutes Aries at 10.37 pm GMT 11.37 pm BST 31st July 2022.

Sound and quick judgements made with confidence should present beneficial results, which also give a reason for optimism and faith that good things can come to you. Self-belief is enhanced and your strong points will have a light shined upon them. If dumb luck crosses your path don’t be too proud to take advantage of it. Pushing past your comfort zones is less likely to intimidate you right now. Being bold and brave without overwhelming yourself with what you’re willing to take on, will provide positive experiences that personally will have a big impact on you without pushing you too hard.

© Sarah Cochrane 2022.

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