Mercury in Libra opposition retrograde Jupiter in Aries 12th October 2022

Mercury at 1 degree 41 minutes Libra is opposition retrograde Jupiter 1 degree 41 minutes Aries at 7.25 am GMT 8.25 am BST 12th October 2022.

Taking into account all the positive points and the negative points if a big decision has to be made could be a great undertaking. This has the possibility of being so overwhelming that there are too many options to consider, so nothing is done. Reducing these options causes at least a slight amount of anxiety about making a choice that suits most people instead of being the best choice overall. Pompous and arrogant people could have their comeuppance, if they meet those who are able to use charm and intelligence against those who oppose them. Not the best transit for those who are self-righteous, because their judgement could be out of balance and what they believe to be true isn’t entirely accurate.

© Sarah Cochrane 2022.

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