Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 27th October 2022

Mercury at 26 degrees 12 minutes Libra is square Pluto at 26 degrees 12 minutes Capricorn at 1.06 pm GMT 2.06 pm BST 27th October 2022.

A preoccupation or obsession with one idea or one main issue that plays on your mind may end up wasting your time where the products are stress and frustration. Delving into hidden information that you intend on sharing with others should be done with as much consideration as possible to what the consequences may be. A tolerant understanding for the effect of traumatic events in the past or taboo subjects is sought but not easily found. Those who would prefer to keep is buried to avoid acknowledging or confronting them will have the upper hand. This especially applies to those who have traditionally been in a position of power and control, who are not willing to recognise or have a calm and balanced debate about such matters.

© Sarah Cochrane 2022.

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